Revueltas anti g-8
Entre el 6 y el 8 de Julio en Escocia se celebraba la reunión de los paises más industrializados. También y en esas fechas grupos anticapitalistas y ecologistas tomaban las calles para mostrar su disconformidad con la política neoliberal y medioambiental de estos paises. En la página Kinokast podrás descargar vídeos de estas protestas y de acciones reivindicativas anteriores.

En Kinokast y mediante descarga directa podrás ver los siguientes títulos de vídeos de protestas anti G-8 y alguna protesta o actividad reivindicativa más.

Auchterader G8 Alternatives March – Scotland G8
July 6th, 2005 (40mb/10″33min)

Faslane Naval Base «Really Big Blockade» – Scotland G8
July 4th, 2005 (17mb/4″38min)

Cannabis March & Rally, London, UK
May 15th, 2005 (40mb/10″50min)

Kinopoedz (Cinema Train) is a project that transported 6 media activists over 5000km visiting 10 Russian cities to present workshops & screenings on media activism.
December 2004 (18mb/5″30min)

A glimpse into the Hotel Bukowski – an installation by artist Valerie van Leersum & musician Gerco Aerts
September 2004 (5mb/1″18min)

The Robodock Festival is a hectic mixture of robots, metal, fire and music – based in Amsterdam.
September 2004 (10mb/1″30min)

The Peoples Friend perform It»s OK at The Falcon in Camden Town, London, UK
November 1998 (10mb/6min)

Reclaim the Streets – Birmingham UK. An organised street party erupts during the G7 summit.
May 1998 (15mb/8min)

Reclaim the Streets – Strike Oil A spontaneous game of football stops traffic in Angel, London.
December, 1997 (20mb/5min)

Reclaim the Streets – Trafalgar Square, London, UK.
April 1997 (20mb/5″28min)

Reclaim the Streets – West London, UK. The M41 is the UK»s shortest motorway…
June, 1996 (24mb/6″16min)

A Road to Ruin – documentary about the Newbury Bypass protests in the UK
January 1996 (36mb/21min)

Claremont Road eviction, Leyton, London, UK – No M11 Campaign
November, 1994 (29mb/7″40min)